mandag den 26. april 2010

Releaseparty may 8th 2010 + distribution.

Eight of the ten acts on the SKROT-compilation will be playing at the official release-party 8th of may i Odense. The concerts will be in the outside area Farvergården at Kulturmaskinen, as a part of Kulturmaskinen Festival, and will start at 8 pm.

Approximate times for the concerts:
08:00 pm - Hr. Eide
08:20 pm - Genespleizer
08:45 pm - Commodore Combat Unit
09:10 pm - Papa Stein
09:35 pm - Giedo Primo
10:00 pm - Organbox
10:10 pm - Ras Bolding
10:35 pm - Ekkoregimet

Within Denmark, Hamarplazt will be distributed by Labelkollektiv, and it will also be possible to buy the records directly through their web shop.

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